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Joined on 9/10/17

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Hey all! No doubt anyone reading this is thinking "Who the fuck's this clown?"

Well first off, you're not wrong. Name and profile is changed, and given I haven't posted any content in years you may not even remember my original alias used here (It's not exactly far off from the current name) or what I posted (It sucks).

So why am I bothering with all this? And why should you care?

Well, I don't have a good answer for the second question, but the first one is because I'm prepping for a worst-case-scenario online presence.

Gonna post some Friday Night Funkin' content I've been cooking up for the past two years (which I know sounds lame as hell, but 1. It's a bigger project than it sounds. Whole combat system and shit, and 2. I don't care if only 20 people download the damn thing, I've seen what this community's like at its worst)

Ninjamuffin got in a whole scuffle over his Newgrounds likes, I can't private my own likes/follows, and fuck if I'm gonna trawl through 400+ likes for stuff people would get angry over. However, I'm none too keen on deleting my history and presence either. This is an old account, my first Newgrounds account, and it'd be a damn shame to get rid of it. Not to mention I'd rather use this for general browsing than the main content-posting account.

But at the same time, people get angry over NSFW stuff, specifically on the gray area of the age of the character, and given how long and young I was using this account I 100% have not been nearly as careful around such characters as I do nowadays (We're not exactly talkin' Loli shit in the likes (I think? Hopefully not) but considering people were throwing a shit fit over Hatsune Miku of all god damn characters with regards to age then the standards are low on this topic. Depicted as 18+ be damned, who knows who's gonna start something over that)

My likes are no more saucier than the average Newgrounds peruser I figure. It's probably about to the degree Ninjamuffin's likes were, which are realistically nothing of any real note. But y'know, it was enough for the younger folk to get riled up over, so best I don't make that info dead-easy to access.

I'm not gonna be anal about making absolute sure this account can't be traced. Literally just look at the last post here and you'll get my main account, and considering I'm probably not gonna pick up much steam realistically this is one of the few places that's gonna reference the main content. But this name change ought to make it so an iota of extra effort needs to be put in to find history beyond just googling the username, and I figure that'll work 90% of the way. The last 10% probably, hopefully, are just folks digging around out of curiosity rather than malice.

Alright, personal-reasoning rant over, so the question you probably actually care about as someone who clicked follow however many years ago: Will I actually be posting to this account?

I dunno. Leaning towards no for the moment. For sure if anything this would be an NSFW account just due to like history alone, but I can't say how I feel about posting anything lewd at this point. Hard to say what my audience, if any at all, would be, and the content I wish to post on main accounts trend towards general-audience so I'm not setting the NSFW standard very high.

I don't have a big head about attracting flocks of millions to this project, but even a couple hundred folks is a wider net than I'm used to as a nobody on the internet. Maybe the stuff I post will fly under the radar, and that's fine. It's if stuff catches on en masse than I'm worried about, and taking appropriate steps to make sure shit doesn't hit the fan too hard.

I think that about does it. Unfollow if you want to keep this tidy, since I won't be posting much more, save for maybe the mod itself. If you are at all interested though, it'll be something neat indeed.

That skeleton FnF mod was intended to have a combat-focus that I'd developed later on. Of which, I'm just about wrapped up developing. Two years later. Much more involved thing than I expected, but it's a rock-solid combat foundation that's heavily designed for other people to be able to use.

It was an incredibly valuable experience for learning how to program, as I really had to dive deep into putting the code together. Combat was techincally put together many months ago, but a combination of engine-porting and supporting soft coded features and other development-usability concerns took up the most recent few months. Basically, it was all polish, and that polish is wrapped up.

I've been horrendously off the mark every time I put up dates for finishing, but at that risk: I should be posting everything within the next few days. The content will be able to speak much better for itself than all this vague talk I've been giving.

If you've read this far, thanks a bunch of listening. Have a good one, and see ya later.

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585 Points

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Just like the game 25 Points

Funk on a Friday (real time)


Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2

Friday Night Funker 5 Points

Start the game

Level 3 5 Points

Reach level 3!

Level 2 5 Points

Reach level 2!

Crafting Time 10 Points

Build the Workshop.

Bon Appetit 10 Points

Build the Kitchen.

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